Setup a Connection Schema Config for a connection that doesn't have schema settings yet.
Allows to set up a Connection Schema Config for a new connection.
NOTE: The response contains the exact settings that were passed in request.
After the initial sync, when the connection captures the schema from the source, we try to apply the specified settings on the actual schema from the source.
In case some table or column are not allowed to be excluded, we ignore the settings for the relevant entity.
Request schema
Path parameters
The unique identifier for the connection within the Fivetran system
Header parameters
HTTP: basicAuth
HTTP AuthorizationScheme: basic
The set of schemas within your connection schema config that are synced into the destination
The boolean value specifying whether the sync for the table into the destination is enabled.
The set of tables within your database schema config that are synced into the destination
The boolean value specifying whether the sync for the table into the destination is enabled.
The set of columns within your table schema config that are synced into the destination
The boolean value specifying whether the sync for the table into the destination is enabled.
The boolean value specifying whether a column should be hashed
This field appears in the response if the connection supports switching sync modes for tables
The possible values for the schema_change_handling parameter are as follows:
ALLOW_ALL - all new schemas, tables, and columns which appear in the source after the initial setup are included in syncs
ALLOW_COLUMNS - all new schemas and tables which appear in the source after the initial setup are excluded from syncs, but new columns are included
BLOCK_ALL - all new schemas, tables, and columns which appear in the source after the initial setup are excluded from syncs
POST /v1/connections/connectionId/schemas HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic REPLACE_BASIC_AUTH
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 448
"schemas": {
"schema": {
"enabled": true,
"tables": {
"table": {
"enabled": true,
"columns": {
"column": {
"enabled": true,
"hashed": false,
"is_primary_key": true,
"masking_algorithm": "PLAINTEXT"
"sync_mode": "SOFT_DELETE"
"schema_change_handling": "BLOCK_ALL"
Successful response schema
Response status code
Response status text
The boolean value specifying whether to enable new schemas, tables, and columns by default
The set of schemas within your connection schema config that are synced into the destination
The schema name within your destination in accordance with Fivetran conventional rules
The boolean value specifying whether the sync for the table into the destination is enabled.
The set of tables within your database schema config that are synced into the destination
This field appears in the response if the connection supports switching sync modes for tables
The schema name within your destination in accordance with Fivetran conventional rules
The boolean value specifying whether the sync for the table into the destination is enabled.
The set of columns within your table schema config that are synced into the destination
The schema name within your destination in accordance with Fivetran conventional rules
The boolean value specifying whether the sync for the table into the destination is enabled.
The boolean value specifying whether a column should be hashed
The boolean value specifying whether the enabled property can be updated
The additional message indicating the reason why the enabled property cannot be updated. This field appears in the response only when the reason_code value is OTHER
The reason code indicating the reason why the enabled property cannot be updated:
SYSTEM_TABLE - the table is a system table
DELETED - the table was deleted in the source
OTHER - the table was excluded by the system for some reason
This field appears in the response when the allowed property value is FALSE
The boolean value specifying whether the enabled property can be updated
The additional message indicating the reason why the enabled property cannot be updated. This field appears in the response only when the reason_code value is OTHER
The reason code indicating the reason why the enabled property cannot be updated:
SYSTEM_TABLE - the table is a system table
DELETED - the table was deleted in the source
OTHER - the table was excluded by the system for some reason
This field appears in the response when the allowed property value is FALSE
The possible values for the schema_change_handling parameter are as follows:
ALLOW_ALL - all new schemas, tables, and columns which appear in the source after the initial setup are included in syncs
ALLOW_COLUMNS - all new schemas and tables which appear in the source after the initial setup are excluded from syncs, but new columns are included
BLOCK_ALL - all new schemas, tables, and columns which appear in the source after the initial setup are excluded from syncs
"code": "Success",
"message": "Operation performed.",
"data": {
"enable_new_by_default": true,
"schemas": {
"schema": {
"name_in_destination": "schema_name_in_destination",
"enabled": true,
"tables": {
"table": {
"sync_mode": "SOFT_DELETE",
"name_in_destination": "table_name_in_destination",
"enabled": true,
"columns": {
"column": {
"name_in_destination": "column_name_in_destination",
"enabled": true,
"hashed": false,
"enabled_patch_settings": {
"allowed": false,
"reason": "...",
"reason_code": "SYSTEM_COLUMN"
"is_primary_key": true
"enabled_patch_settings": {
"allowed": false,
"reason": "...",
"reason_code": "SYSTEM_TABLE"
"supports_columns_config": true
"schema_change_handling": "ALLOW_ALL"