Hvrtestlistener, hvrtestlocation, hvrtestscheduler
hvrtestlistener - Test listening on TCP/IP port for HVR remote connection
hvrtestlocation - Test connection to HVR location
hvrtestscheduler - Test (ping) that the HVR Scheduler is running.
hvrtestlistener [-Cpubcert] [-Kpair] [-Llogin/pwd] [-tN] node port
hvrtestlocation [-hclass] [-lloc]... [-tN] [-uuser] hubdb chn
hvrtestscheduler [-nnode][-tN] hubdb
Command hvrtestlistener tests that an HVR process is listening on a TCP/IP port for a HVR remote connection. If option -L is supplied then it also tests the authentication for that login and password.
Command hvrtestlocation tests the connection to an HVR location. In HVRGUI, this command corresponds to the Test Connection button in the location creation dialog.
Command hvrtestscheduler checks if the HVR scheduler is running.
The argument hubdb specifies the connection to the hub database. For more information about supported hub databases and the syntax for using this argument, see Calling HVR on the Command Line.
This section describes the options available for command hvrtestlistener.
Parameter | Description |
-Cpubcert | Remote public certificate for testing encrypted SSL connection. |
-hclass | Location class of the hub database. Valid values for class are db2, db2i, ingres, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlserver, or teradata. For more information, see Calling HVR on the Command Line. |
-Kpair | SSL public certificate and private key of local machine. If pair is relative, then it is found in directory $HVR_HOME/lib/cert. Value pair specifies two files; the names of these files are calculated by removing any extension from pair and then adding extensions .pub_cert and .priv_key. For example, option -Khvr refers to files $HVR_HOME/lib/cert/hvr.pub_cert and $HVR_HOME/lib/cert/hvr.priv_key. |
-lx | Test locations specified by x. If this option is not supplied, then hvrtestlocation will test all locations within the channel. Values of x may be one of the following:
-Llogin/pwd | Test authentication of login/password on remote machine. |
-nnode | Connect to HVR Scheduler running on node. |
-Rnode:port | Connect to node as a proxy. This option can be supplied multiple times for a chain of proxies. For more information, see section Hvrproxy. |
-tN | Time-out after N seconds if network is hanging or HVR Scheduler takes too long to reply. |
-uuser[/pwd] | Connect to hub database using DBMS account user. For some databases (e.g. SQL Server) a password must also be supplied. |
Example to test the hvr remote listener service that is running on server/machine myserver and listening on port 4343:
hvrtestlistener myserver 4343
If you are running this command from a remote machine (e.g. hub machine), authorization (OS username and password) may be required to connect to the remote server. Then use the command hvrtestlistener with option -L:
hvrtestlistener -L myusername/mypassword myserver 4343
Sample Output:
hvrtestlistener: HVR 5.7.5/27 (linux_glibc2.17-x64-64bit) hvrtestlistener: Connection to myserver:4343 successful but authorization required. hvrtestlistener: Finished. (elapsed=0.04s)
Example to test connection to all locations in channel mychannel of hub database (in Oracle) myhub:
hvrtestlocation myhub/myhub mychannel
Sample output:
hvrtestlocation: HVR 5.7.5/27 (windows-x64-64bit) hvrtestlocation: Connection to 'src' successful. hvrtestlocation: Connection to 'tgt' successful. hvrtestlocation: Finished. (elapsed=0.47s)
To test connection to a specific location src, use option -l:
hvrtestlocation -l src myhub/myhub mychannel
Sample output:
hvrtestlocation: HVR 5.7.5/27 (windows-x64-64bit) hvrtestlocation: Connection to 'src' successful. hvrtestlocation: Finished. (elapsed=0.35s)
Example to test the status of the scheduler in hub myhub.
hvrtestscheduler myhub
If you are running this command from a remote machine (e.g. agent machine), authorization (OS username and password) may be required to connect to the remote server/machine. For example, hvr remote listener service is running on server/machine myserver and listening on port 4343. Then use this command with option -L:
hvrtestscheduler -L myusername/mypassword -R myserver:4343 myhub
Sample output:
hvrtestscheduler: HVR Scheduler for 'myhub' is alive.