Free Account Trial
We offer a 14-day free trial for all new accounts. During the free trial period, you can use Fivetran at no cost and see if our platform meets your business needs. That includes both unlimited connector usage and transformation usage.
The 14-day free trial starts when a connection completes its initial sync or, in some cases (for example, priority-first sync connectors), when it starts an incremental sync and the system detects incremental data.
IMPORTANT: Historical syncs are always free.
During the free trial period, you can:
- Centralize data that exists across multiple sources into your destination.
- Use the clean and normalized schemas in your destination to power your analytics tools. Learn more in our Core Concepts documentation.
- Try the features included in the Enterprise pricing plan so you can see which features and pricing plan fit your needs.
- Automate transformations after every sync using Fivetran Transformations to achieve faster business insights. Transformations are free during the account's trial period. After the free account trial period ends, Fivetran offers 5,000 free monthly model runs each month.
- Deliver logs and account metadata to a schema in your destination with the Fivetran Platform Connector to see how Fivetran processes your data. This connector is available to and free for all users.
- Find out how much Fivetran may cost after your trial with your usage-based pricing estimate.
How it works
Once you sign up for your new account, you enter a guided setup wizard. The setup wizard prompts you to connect a data source and a destination, then start the initial sync for your source connector. Your free trial begins once a connector starts an incremental sync and the system detects incremental usage.
TIP: Before you begin, check our supported connectors list and supported destinations list to confirm that Fivetran supports the ones you need. If your connector is not listed, you can request a Lite connector for your source.
Usage estimate
Approximately seven days into your trial, go to the Billing & Usage page to view your usage-based pricing estimate to see what Fivetran may cost for you. Fivetran notifies you once the estimate is ready.
Connector usage estimate
The connector usage estimate projects what your monthly usage may be and how much that usage may cost. We measure connector usage in monthly active rows (MAR).
To calculate the usage estimate, we apply a predictive model to all your connectors' incremental usage and the growth rate of your MAR during the first seven days of the free trial. We do not include re-syncs or initial syncs in the calculation. We developed this predictive model using historical data across all our customers and their connectors to ensure its accuracy. To learn more, see our pricing documentation.
TIP: Learn how Fivetran uses MAR to calculate pricing in our pricing documentation.
On your Billing & Usage page, you can view your MAR and usage estimate, as well as compare the estimated cost across our different pricing plans. The usage estimate is a range that includes your estimated MAR, along with a 20% margin above and below the estimated value. For example, if your estimated MAR is 55M, you will see an estimate of 44M-66M. This margin of error accounts for the differences you may see in your actual consumption.
Transformations usage estimate
The transformations usage estimate projects your monthly transformations usage based on one to seven days' worth of collected transformations usage data. We measure transformations usage in monthly model runs.
Once ready, the usage estimate is available in the Planned usage section of the Usage Estimator page. We also calculate your Planned monthly cost based on your projected usage.
NOTE: In the Planned usage field, you can enter your own estimate and get a cost estimate for it. Press the Reset button next to the field to reset the counter to Fivetran's estimate.
When is the estimate available?
We provide the usage estimate after the first seven continuous days of activity in your account. For example, if you start the free trial on September 29 and use Fivetran continuously, your estimate will be available on October 6.
What's next
Once your trial ends, you must choose a pricing plan to continue using Fivetran:
- If your connector usage is below 500,000 MAR and your transformation usage is below 5,000 monthly model runs, you can sign up for the Free plan.
- If your connector usage is more than 500,000 MAR or 5,000 monthly model runs, you can either choose a paid plan on your Billing page and add a credit card or speak with a Fivetran salesperson for an annual commitment.
Any new, changed, or deleted rows you sync after your trial period ends count towards your paid MAR for the month.
Once you have selected a plan and are a Fivetran user, we offer 14 days of free use on every new connection you create. Learn more in our new connection free use period documentation. We also offer free initial syncs on all new tables.
Setup guides
How you set up your free account trial depends on whether you want to use your own destination or a free, Fivetran-managed destination. Follow the setup instructions that apply to you:
Tips and best practices
Our easiest connectors to set up are Google Sheets and Salesforce, so either is a good choice if you want to quickly test out Fivetran.
If you don't have a destination or aren't ready to use your own environment, you can use a Fivetran-managed BigQuery destination. To access the data in a Fivetran-managed BigQuery destination, you must connect a BI tool. Learn how in our Add BI tools documentation.
Share Fivetran’s Security whitepaper and Security documentation with anyone who wants to learn how Fivetran protects your data. To report a security vulnerability, please submit a Responsible Disclosure Form.
Best practices
Add all of your connectors before you begin syncing data. The free trial does not begin until your first initial sync is complete, so you'll have the most time possible to try these connectors.
When you set up your connectors, select only the data you need to evaluate how Fivtran works for your use case. Large data sets may have slower syncs.
Invite your teammates to try Fivetran with you. On the Users tab, follow our Add or remove users instructions to add teammates to your account. Learn about Fivetran's user roles and permissions in our Role-Based Access Control documentation.
Add transformations to get a complete view of how Fivetran can power your analyses. On the Transformations tab, click Get started to learn how to set up a new transformation, use our Quickstart data models or connect our pre-built data models. Our transformations run in your destination after we load your data in, so your raw data is always available alongside your transformed data. Learn more in our Transformations for dbt Core* documentation.
Use our Fivetran Platform Connector to view Fivetran events in your destination, including sync statistics, connector and transformations usage, and user activities.
Once your usage-based pricing estimate is ready, use the usage estimator on the Usage page to experiment with your pricing estimate. View the pricing curve for different plans, remove tables from your estimate to see how that impacts your price, or enter MAR directly to see pricing for lower or higher volumes.
The following are the most common errors users encounter during their free trials. If you encounter these or other problems during your free trial, submit a Support ticket or consult the Fivetran Community.
- Data source connection problem: Your data source is not connected correctly (for example, the setup tests in your Fivetran dashboard failed). Check your source connection details.
- Data source configuration problem: Your data source is not configured correctly for Fivetran to use (for example, the Fivetran user does not have adequate permissions to access your data). Check your source configuration.
- Data source file problem: Your source files are not configured correctly (for example, some of your tables have null primary keys). Go to our documentation for your connector to check the source data configuration requirements.
- Destination connection problem: Your destination is not connected correctly (for example, you did not finish your destination set up in the Fivetran dashboard). Check your destination connection details.
- Unknown connector problem: Your connector syncs are failing, but we do not know the breaking issue. We generate this Unknown Error after three failed syncs in a row. If you don't know what's causing the problem, submit a Support ticket for help.
- MAR increases - Your MAR increased, but you're not sure why. In some cases, a MAR increase can be explained by an influx of source data (for example, your MAR increased when a new marketing campaign began). Examine your source data for a potential source of the MAR increase. Read our MAR increases documentation to learn about potential sources of the MAR increase. If you can't find a potential source, submit a Support ticket for help.
- Slow syncs: Your syncs are slower than you expected. There are several reasons that a sync may be slow, so submit a Support ticket for help.
Each Fivetran account is eligible for only one free trial. For example, if you already have a Fivetran account and create a second account, that second account is not eligible for a free trial.
How do I start a trial?
Fivetran pulls data from sources like applications, databases, file storage services, and more. We deliver that data to destinations like data warehouses and databases. To start the trial process, follow our free trial setup instructions.
NOTE: You may need to configure your source system and network during setup, so you may need to invite and coordinate with other teams. You can invite teammates to help you through the Fivetran dashboard.
How long does a free trial last?
The free trial lasts 14 days. It starts once a connector starts an incremental sync.
How many sources can I add?
You can add as many sources as you want during the trial period.
How many connections can I add?
You can add unlimited connections for each source during the 14-day trial period. You get one 14-day free use period per connection.
How many destinations can I add?
You can add as many destinations as you want during the trial period.
How many transformations can I add?
You can add as many transformations as you want during the trial period.
Can I add an external logging service or other advanced features, like API access?
Yes. During your trial, you can test out all the advanced features included in the Enterprise pricing plan.
Can I try a connector that is in beta?
Yes, you can try a connector that is in beta during your trial.
* dbt Core is a trademark of dbt Labs, Inc. All rights therein are reserved to dbt Labs, Inc. Fivetran Transformations is not a product or service of or endorsed by dbt Labs, Inc.